Our Results and Performance

G.C.S.E. Results

English & Maths - 9-4 44%, 9-5 23%
English - 9-4 62%
Maths - 9-4 56%
Total grades - 9-7 7%
Progress 8  -0.56
Attainment 8 - 3.42
Student Number: 98


A Level

A* - E - 83%
Students Number: 27

Applied General
A* - E - 88%
Student Number: 13

Pupil Premium Report

The Pupil Premium is designed to improve the educational experiences and outcomes of children and young people from low income families, those currently or previously in the care of the local authority or those from Service families.

The date of the next review of the school’s Pupil Premium strategy is December 2025.

Since 2012, we have endeavoured to use the Pupil Premium in the most effective way using relevant information (such as the Sutton Trust report) to enable us to make decisions on spending.

High Prior Attainment

We recognise that all students are individuals and as such we adopt a personalised approach within our teaching and learning. Each faculty area acknowledges the importance of HPA students and offers a variety of opportunities to fulfil their potential and maximise their progress. This will be achieved by offering activities that extend and enrich their learning and promote high attainment and good progress. Where appropriate, students will move through their learning at a faster rate than their peers; at other times their understanding will be developed further than their peers. 

School Improvement Plan

A good school never rests! We are firm believers in continual improvement and work with all our stakeholders to create a School Improvemnt Plan. This is a statement of what we understand we should seek to improve. It helps focus school leaders and informs both the Governing Board and Parents of the direction and focus of the school.