Student Wellbeing

Wellbeing tips during exams

Exam time can be a really stressful and challenging time for pupils and it can be especially hard for young people who are struggling with other areas of their school or home life. Young Minds asked young people to give them some wellbeing advice for exam time and put together this handy poster for us to use.

Understanding feelings and behaviours, Coping with life

This short video by Braive shows how stress builds and gives some suggestions to help manage stress. 

There is also an activity worksheet for you to consider what causes stress and what helps relieve stress in your life. 

Breathing and Grounding

If you begin to feel your breath getting quicker and out of control, use these activities to help slow down your breathing, calm down and ground yourself.

Exam Stress

It’s normal to feel stressed and on edge about exams. Stress is your body’s natural response to pressure. It can help you focus and get things done, but sometimes it can all get a bit much.

Mrs Carter

Senior Mental Health Lead

Our Senior Mental Health Lead develops and leads an effective early intervention and prevention strategy that enables all pupils to access support for their mental health and wellbeing

They coordinate the school’s provision for pupil’s mental health needs, including oversight of interventions where they are being delivered by staff

You are not alone

However you're feeling right now, things can get better. And there are many organisations as well as school that are here to help.

Young Minds provides a wealth of resources for young people and parents. Please speak to Mrs Carter and our Pastoral team for more information or to seek help.