Pastoral CARE


Our School has a well-deserved reputation for our pastoral care – the needs of our students as young people and individuals in their own rights are a cornerstone of our work as we believe that happy, successful children will become confident and independent learners. All our students are placed in a tutor group in the immediate care of their tutor. The tutor is a key figure in their wellbeing and is the initial contact for advice and guidance for both students and parents alike. In addition to monitoring the personal development of each student, the tutor also monitors and supports students in maximising their potential.

“The effort and passion that we received from you all initially was incredibly promising and its worth noting that you’ve far exceeded any expectation we had. She’s like a different child and if I can be so bold to say; this is largely down to how Carterton Community College have dealt with a very specific set of challenges.  In short I’m thoroughly impressed and truly astounded at the progress already.   I’m truly grateful so thank you”. 

Year 7 parent

The school crest depicting a carters wheel, pegasus, griffin, wyvern and a phoenix
Carterton house banner graphic

House System

All students, staff and governors are in one of the following four Houses. All are depicted on the College Crest:

These are the original House names used by Carterton Community College. Each House is led and managed by a House Leader who works to ensure a quality experience for students in their House. They also manage the pastoral procedures across the house as well as organising enrichment activities. Parents are always welcome to discuss with us any aspect of our work and address any difficulties or concerns they might have about their child’s school experience.

Graphic of a first aid sign

First Aid / Medical

We have our own medical room and trained first-aid staff ready to deal with unwell students and minor injuries.

abm catering logo

Breakfast Club

Our Dining Room is open from 07:45 for a healthy breakfast and. Pay only for the food.

Photograph of Ms Amanda Carter

School Counsellor

Our School Counsellor works closely with the pastoral team to assist students reffered to her.

The National Health Service Logo

School Nurse

We have an NHS School nurse on site and available to support and advise students.


Tutor groups are carefully constructed and Form Tutors are the first point of contact for parents.  Each student is allocated to a House tutor group and has a Form Tutor and House Leader who oversees their progress and development.  Our year groups either have four or five tutor groups, depending on the year group size.  In each year, there is a house tutor group for each of the four houses and a ‘mixed house’ group if a fifth tutor group is required.  We have dedicated Year 7 Form Tutors who have experience of transition into our school.  Beyond Year 7, Form Tutors will move with students through the school where possible.  In Key Stage 3 students will have some of their lessons in their Tutor Groups with some exceptions (e.g. in Mathematics where they are setted, and some practical subjects where smaller groups are required).  Other subjects use mixed ability teaching groups.  At Key Stage 4, students will be taught in groups according to their GCSE options.

Our Sixth Form Team are experienced in supporting students through their studies at Sixth Form, and their applications to University, further education and apprenticeships.

All students register every morning and afternoon with their Form Tutors.  Tutors are responsible for supporting students in attendance, punctuality and the high standards of behaviour and engagement, uniform and equipment.  Tutors also lead the delivery of elements of the Culture, Citizenship, Careers and Personal Development programme during the daily Tutor Period in the middle of the day.


We are committed to high standards in College life. In order to achieve these, it is vital that all members of our College community understand our positive approach to behaviour. We have set down clear expectations with regards to behaviour to create a creative and stimulating learning environment for our students. The support of our parents in maintaining high standards and expectations is vital in this aspect of our work as is your commitment to positively supporting the behaviour expectations of the College. As staff, we believe that the most effective way to maintain high standards of behaviour is through:

Further details of the Behaviour Policy can be located under policies.


We work to include all children in our curriculum, trips and catering. We are not a 'free from' environment as we believe this creates a false sense of security and does not safely prepare children for environments where nuts or other allergens may be present. However, we actively work to minimise major allergens from the school curriculum and our catering team are on hand to help with labeling identification and menu choices. We train our first-aid staff in how to identify and treat serious allergies including having trained AAI responders. It is important that our records are up-to-date so that we can work to prepare students and our activities. Please get in touch if you have concerns.