Remote Learning
Our procedures for remote learning are designed to ensure that high quality learning can still take place when it is not possible for all students to attend school. They are also flexible so that progress can still be maintained for individuals, groups, whole classes or year groups if they are required to learn from home. As well as delivering the curriculum for all the courses students study, our remote learning provision also extends the pastoral work of the school into the home by providing a vehicle for continued careers education, PSHE, tutor activities 1:1 student support.
We use the full suite of applications from Google to facilitate our remote learning, centred around Google Classroom (GC). Each course has their own dedicated GC, for example year 8 French, year 10 Maths, year 12 Environmental Science. Each GC has a message board, called the stream, where teachers and students can communicate and a classwork tab, where teachers can set and mark work. When students log on they will only be able to see assignments that have been set for them.
Lessons and assignments are structured in a variety of ways depending on how many students are remote learning, but students follow their normal timetable in all circumstances. As a guide:
When individuals or small groups are remote learning, work will be set on the appropriate GC by the usual class teacher for students to complete during their timetabled lessons, but as teachers are still teaching the rest of the class, remote learning is not live.
When whole classes are engaged in remote learning, lessons will usually be live in that usual class teachers will introduce new learning using Google meet video calls, before students are set tasks, usually on Google classroom. If the member of staff is unavailable, then the lessons will not be live and students will be set work for their timetabled lessons.
When whole year groups are remote learning, lessons will be live as long as staff are available, but instead of the usual class teacher, responsibility for teaching the year group will be assigned to one member of staff from the appropriate faculty and students will be taught in year groups.
Setting of Work
Teachers will follow their curriculum maps as closely as possible to enable students to progress as they would in class, although there may need to be some adjustments made to the taught curriculum to maximise the opportunities of remote learning. To this end, teachers will still be setting DNA activities at the starts of lessons and then a series of longer, more self supported tasks along with resources such as reading materials, YouTube reference videos and teacher presentations.
assessment and feedback
Students can submit their assignments across Google classroom either by attaching files they have created elsewhere or by creating a Google Doc, sheet or slides file directly from within the assignment. Teachers can then add private comments on individual submissions to help students; they can also ask students to re-submit work by sending it back to them. Feedback may also take the form of a self-marking quiz created in Google forms, or a grade on a past paper assessment. Finally, teachers may also provide summary feedback on how a task was completed by a group or class using the stream message board.
Student expectations
Students are expected to engage with all remote work set by their teachers and work to the deadlines set on assignments. If they are having problems with any aspect of remote learning, they should contact their teacher using Google classroom or school email and outline their issues. For live lessons, students are expected to join the Google meet for the lesson although they do not need to activate their cameras; they are expected to participate in discussions, as they would be in face to face lessons.
student PROGRESSION support
Teachers will support and assist as needed on individual Google classrooms as discussed above; if students have any issues about Google classroom in general they should contact; they can also loan Chromebooks from the ICT support team to ease any access issues they may be experiencing at home.
pastoral support & tutor time
When tutor or year groups are remote learning, normal registrations and tutor periods will be held on Google meet where registers will be taken as normal. Year group and house assemblies will still be held using the year group or house Google classrooms; tutors will ensure they keep in regular contact with individuals who are remote learning.
If you have any questions about remote learning, please email Mr. Brodhurst on