We will offer a balanced and ambitious curriculum that is based on our shared values, and which will deliver the very best outcomes for all our students. Building on the progress students have made at primary school, and mindful of their ambition and aspirations, we will deliver a sequenced and progressive academic curriculum. It will produce students who are confident in numeracy, reading, and communication, so that they may flourish in their chosen careers and become confident, valued members of our community.
Founded upon high standards and high aspirations the curriculum will instill a genuine love of learning amongst our students, providing them with the knowledge and skills they will need as they prepare for life in the 21st Century. It is underpinned by our school values, designed to incorporate opportunities for students to develop our six-character drivers.
We believe that rigorous planning and resourcing, consistent implementation, and appropriate assessment, will produce curious and resilient learners who are able to successfully access and progress through the curriculum.
For pupils aged between 11 to 14, we will maintain a broad curriculum with a wide range of subjects so that students may benefit from a rich learning experience. Building on the progress students have made at primary school, and mindful of their ambitions and aspirations, we will deliver a sequenced and progressive curriculum that values academic and creative subjects. For pupils aged 14 to 19, the curriculum will provide syllabus-led learning pathways, designed to maximise attainment, nurture their self-belief so they may progress to ambitious destinations.
The personal development curriculum (CCCPD) will contribute to students’ ability to appreciate their place in a world of diverse culture, hold British values and have meaningful, enriching experiences which widen the extent of their learning. Through our STEM initiative, we will work alongside a range of institutions and industry partners to integrate learning experiences and skills development into the fabric of our curriculum and produce citizens with the skills to meet the demands of the current and future workforce.
The education vision and curriculum design at Carterton Community College recognises that
The world of 2024 onward will be very different from the world of today.
The pace of change is increasing, hence the importance of an agile curriculum.
The high demand for a qualified workforce in the STEM sector.
The curriculum should be enriched by the involvement of local industries, businesses, and organisations.
The curriculum should involve greater use of adults other than teachers. These could include support staff, graduates, artists, sportspeople, and people from industry and business to support curriculum delivery.
Curriculum Aims
The school values underpin the curriculum
Students at its heart, putting their interests above those of the school.
A curriculum that is broad, balanced, relevant, challenging, and ambitious.
A curriculum that is fit for purpose, offering appropriate learning pathways.
A curriculum that provides clear progression across Key stages from age 11 to 19.
Develops the whole child – their knowledge, skills, understanding, and attitudes.
Be a centre of excellence in learning filled with rich first-hand purposeful learning experiences.
Prepare all students for a successful adult and working life in a global society.
Encourage the use of environments and expertise beyond the classroom.
First, achieve and then exceed national standards in achievement, attainment, and progression in all subjects.
Be committed to excellence and continuous improvement.
Nurture the talents of all and celebrate success.
Involve the community.
Involve parents/carers.
Be a learning environment that is above all else, inspiring.
Makes meaningful links between areas of knowledge across the curriculum and the major issues of our time.
Has a local, national and international dimension, with excellent opportunities to learn about diversity.
Encourages our pupils to take risks and be resilient.
To develop a love for learning in all our students.
Parents are welcome to contact Mr Neil Taylor, Assistant Headteacher – Curriculum and Post 16 if they would like any further information about the curriculum the school is following.
Key Stage 4 EBACC pathway
An academic pathway that includes GCSE qualifications that lead to the English Baccalaureate. This pathway also includes separate Sciences
Technical pathway - Mixture of academic GCSE qualifications (including English Language and Literature, Combined Science and a Humanity) and vocational courses
Applied pathway - GCSE qualifications in core subjects (including English Language and Literature, Combined Science and a Humanity) but more vocational option courses