Vision and Values
High Standards, High Aspirations.
Through hard work, determination and resilience, an ambitious person will often achieve more than someone without ambition.
Why is Ambition important?
Having ambition keeps us motivated
It can be more vital in getting what you want than just talent on its own
Satisfaction of securing your ambition is very positive
Builds positivity
“I am always motivated. I am ambitious and I always want to improve.”
Cristiano Ronaldo
“Don’t be afraid to be ambitious about your goals. Hard work never stops. Neither should your dreams.”
Dwayne Johnson
Achieving things on your own means that you have total responsibility. This increases your understanding and deepens your learning.
Why is Independence important?
So you can achieve your goals without relying on others
Boosts self-esteem and self-confidence
Bigger sense of accomplishment
Deepens your learning experience
Helps you maintain mental wellbeing
Builds positivity
“I am the master of my fate: I am the Captain of my soul.”
W E Henley
“It takes nothing to join the crowd. It takes everything to stand alone”.
Hans f Hansen
Kindness shows an understanding of other people and shows a positive strength of character. Most people like it when others are kind to them. Kindness spreads.
Why is Kindness important?
Kindness increases wellbeing
Relationships are improved and friendships strengthen
Creates empathy and understanding
Builds positivity
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Maya Angelou
“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.”
The 14th Dalai Lama.
The ability to stick with something that may be challenging, tricky, difficult.
Sometimes it is tempting to give up when things get tough. Resilience means that you can battle through and keep going.
Why is Resilience important?
So you can keep going to achieve your goals
Prevents you from feeling overwhelmed
Helps you maintain mental wellbeing
Builds positivity
“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it or work around it.”
Michael Jordan
“Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”
Nelson Mandela
Being respectful shows that you know something
or someone is of value and is important. Showing respect can involve being polite, compliant, kind and non-aggressive. Self-respect shows that you know you are of value and are important.
Why is Respectfulness important?
It creates a positive atmosphere
If you are respectful, you will gain respect yourself
Helps you maintain mental wellbeing
Builds relationships
“Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.”
Bruce Lee
“Respect is a two-way street, if you want to get it, you’ve got to give it.”
R.G. Risch
Being responsible means that you do the right thing, do what you should do. and accept responsibility for your own actions. Most actions have consequences and the responsible person may be positively or negatively affected by these actions.
Why is Responsibility important?
When you do the right thing, it boosts self- esteem and improves relationships
Taking responsibility for your own actions means that you have more self-control
Builds positivity
“In the long run, we shape our lives and we shape ourselves….And the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility.”
Eleanor Roosevelt
“The time is always right to do what is right”.
Martin Luther King
Values and Character
We strongly believe in the development of the whole child and put personal development as an integral part of our curriculum. Our values have been selected not only to raise aspiration and success in academic achievement and future careers, but also to become valued members of the communities in which they live.
We are actively working towards our School of Character award.
The awards recognise character education that is delivered in an explicit, planned and reflective manner- to enable the cultivation of positive character qualities in the interests of human flourishing.